During their historic 2015-16 season, the Warriors asked us to design a logo that captured the sentiment behind their slogan "Strength in Numbers". We ended up with a hand painted logo that used tallies as a whole visual language for the team. These tallies allowed us to celebrate everything from Curry's record setting 3-pointers, to the amount of years you've been a fan.

+ Clio Sports Bronze (3x)

+ ADWEEK writes "Great branding work"

+ Covered by major design blogs incl. Brand New  Under Consideration and DesignWeek (UK)



We used billboards and TSAs to highlight fans stats from the biggest Warriors fans from across the Bay Area.


And to celebrate Curry's record breaking number of 3-pointers in a season, we made a limited run of 402 collectable posters.


TV spots also ran throughout the season.